Author Guidelines
The Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences is one of the Programmes of the Association of Lecturers in Agricultural Sciences Kopertis Wilayah 1 (now LLDikti Wilayah 1) published by the Division of Agricultural Sciences Kopertis Wilayah 1 based on S.K. Coordinator of Kopertis Wilayah 1 Number 013/00.1.1./HK/2003. Jurnal Penelitian Bidang Ilmu Pertanian is a scientific publication to disseminate information on the results of agricultural research in Kopertis / LLDikti Wilayah 1 to teaching staff and students in Kopertis Wilayah 1 and related institutions, especially in Indonesia. The Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences contains both primary and secondary research articles as well as reviews from lecturers/researchers/students in Kopertis Wilayah 1 and from outside Kopertis Wilayah 1 or LLDikti Wilayah 1. Published 3 (three) times a year in December, April, and August.
- This journal contains articles in the form of research results including development and engineering and the results of thoughts related to policies and problems in agriculture.
- Manuscripts of research results sponsored by certain parties must contain a statement containing information on the funding sponsor and thanks to the sponsor or other parties, all the manuscript will be subjected to similarity/plagiarism testing with Turnitin.
- The manuscript has never been published in other media.
Writing is carried out by paying attention to the rules for the use of punctuation and spelling contained in the Indonesian Spelling Guidelines published by the Language Agency, Kemdikbud Typed with one and a half (1) spaces on A4 paper with Times New Romans font size 12, totalling 4000-5000 words.
Research, review, and thought articles contain the following components: (i) title, (ii) author's name, (iii) abstract and keywords, (iv) body of the article, and (v) reference.
- It should describe the content of the paper in a concise yet clear manner, and attracts the interest of the reader with a maximum of 15 words.
- The title should not begin with the words research, study, analysis, development, or engineering.
- The title includes the name, institution where the author works, and e-mail address of the authors. The name used is a real name, not a pseudonym, not abbreviated or if it must be abbreviated, it needs to follow the applicable rules and be done consistently. If there are several authors, the main author's name is at the forefront.
- Can be written in two languages, Indonesian and English.
- Content of the abstract.
- The abstract contains the main problem, the reason for conducting working research/review/development/engineering, how the activity is carried out including the method, what has been done or what has been produced and its prospects.
- Abstract writing
- Written in the form of continuous sentences forming one paragraph (not mathematical equations or formulas), without subheading, without footnotes, without literature citations, and without abbreviations.
- Abstracts are written in two languages, Indonesian and English.
- The length of the abstract is between 150-250 words.
- Keyword writing
- Keywords are words or terms that are most influential or decisive, contain the meaning of a concept, contain enough meaning to compile an index or help search.
- It can be a single word or compound word.
- Key words consist of 3 to 5 words, starting from the general and most important ones
Contents of Research Articles
This journal prioritises research articles that are oriented towards policy making or research that explores or analyses or investigates the impact of previously established policies. Research articles have the following structure and systematics as well as the percentage of the number of pages.
1. Introduction
This section contains the background and a brief review of related research, problem formulation, research objectives, literature review that includes relevant theories and research results and the benefits of the research, as well as the results to be achieved. This section is about 20 per cent of the length of the article.
2. Research methods
Contains the research methods used, design/model, place and time, variables observed, collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. This section is about 15 per cent long
3. Results and discussion (50 per cent)
4. Conclusions and suggestions (15 per cent)
Contents of Articles on review or Research Results.
Articles resulting from research or review have a structure and systematics as well as a percentage of the number of pages that are somewhat different from articles on research results, which are as follows. Research and article review have many similarities. The difference is that artcle review only reaches the conceptual model, while research has reached the step of testing the model in the field or testing it in actual conditions.
This section contains the background, foreground and a brief review of related research or development results, problem formulation i.e. the need for development or engineering, objectives (or purposes) and benefits of development or engineering, as well as research results to be obtained. This section is about 10 per cent of the length of the article. The literature review consists of a review of appropriate theories and a review of the results of developing similar models. This section ends with the development framework. This section is about 15 per cent in length.
Contents of a thought-eye catching provoking article
Thought-provoking articles have a different structure, systematisation and percentage of pages from research articles, as follows. The article contains: (i) title, (ii) author's name, institution, and e-mail address, (iii) abstract and keywords, and (iv) content. The content of the article has the following structure and systematics as well as the percentage of the number of pages.
The introduction includes background and foreground, problem formulation and writing objectives. The background provides an overview of the setting or conditions behind the existence or occurrence of the problem. The purpose of the writing needs to be related to problem-solving efforts. This section is about 10 per cent of the length of the entire manuscript.
Literature review and discussion as well as theory/concept development (70 per cent)
This section is a manifestation of the necessity of "material, "method", and "results" of a scientific work. The literature review provides a scientific foundation for the development of materials or thoughts or ideas in an effort to solve a problem. The method contains thinking patterns in developing ideas to solve problems. The results contain the findings of thoughts, or ideas. This section is about 70 per cent of the length of the entire manuscript.
Conclusions and suggestions (20 per cent)
Conclusions contain summarised thoughts and policy proposals developed from ideas, or thoughts. Suggestions or policy proposals contain proposed problem-solving concepts. This section is about 20 per cent of the length of the entire manuscript.
Examples of writing reference (all must be referenced in the manuscript):
[1]. Author's Name, "Title of Paper or Title of Book", Name of Journal, Volume and Number of issue or volume, Publisher, City, Pages, Year of publication.
[2]. Sirait, B.A., A.I. Manurung, O.M. Samosir, R.G. Marpaung, Nurhayati, and C. Manalu. Growth Palm Oil Seedling (Elaeis guineensis) via NPK Fertilization and Different Frequency of Watering. Journal of Agronomy 20(1):1-8, 2021. DOI: 10.3923/ja.2021.1.8
[3] Sirait, , A. I. Manurung, E. Panjaitan, and L. Siregar, 2020. ABA content o palm oil seedlings (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) with vedagro treatment on water stress. Asian Journal of Crop Science. 12 (3):147-151, 2020. ISSN 1994-7879. DOI: 10.3923/ajcs.2020.147.151
[4] Do, M.S., Park, Y.J., and Lee, J.Y., ”The Effect of Spreading Gain Control on a CDMA slotted ALOHA System”, IEEE Trans, Computer Commun, Vol, 26, pp 996-1006, July 2005.
[5] Idris, N.R.N., Toh, C.L., and Elbuluk, E., “A New Torque and Flux Controller for DTC of Induction Machine”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, Vol. 42, No.6, pp. 1358-1366, Nov/Dec 2006.
[6] Hosoz and H. M. Ertunc, “Artificial Neural Network Analysis of an Automobile Air Conditioning System” Energy Conv. Man., Vol. 47, pp. 1574-1587, July 2006.
[7] and so on.